Almost Paradise
September 12, 2024 – October 12, 2024

KDR is excited to announce "Almost Paradise," a solo exhibition by painter Jeff Wigman. The opening reception is on September 12th, 2024, from 5-8 PM, and the exhibition will be on view through October 12th.

Jeff Wigman, based in upstate New York, is known for his unique approach to painting, which blends historical techniques with a contemporary perspective. His work reflects a deep technical exploration reminiscent of Flemish art while pushing the boundaries of traditional naturalism and style.

Wigman uses boundless humor, irony, melancholy, a playful yet profound tapestry of historical references, and archetypal imagery. His work is an alchemical transformation, turning complex themes into visually compelling narratives. His paintings are rich in anachronisms and visual dissonance, with feelings of affection, some captured in marveling storybook landscapes.

Wigman offers a unique opportunity to embark on a heartfelt journey through his myth-making lens. His work captures the chaos and beauty of existence, creating a space where confusion and clarity coexist, offering visitors a chance to experience the breadth of human emotion.

Wigman views pictorial space as a dynamic arena where climatic, psychological, historical, and cultural atmospheres intersect, revealing deeper truths about collective and individual experiences. Each work invites viewers to engage with the symbolic space of mind and meaning, where even the most mundane phenomena can seem like paradise. 

Jeff Wigman b. in 1970 in Buffalo, New York. He earned his BFA in painting and sculpture from Parsons School of Design in 1992. His work has been exhibited at Walter Elwood Museum, Amsterdam, NY; The Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, NY; Opalka Gallery, Albany, NY; The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY; Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH; Bowery Gallery, Manhattan; Good Naked Gallery, Brooklyn; and Kunstverein Eisenstadt, Austria. He lives and works in Troy, New York.

For Images and information, please contact

Image: Jeff Wigman, Back!, 2024, oil on panel, 8 x 13 in., 20.32 x 33.02 cm, JW0033